KRATOS: A large suite of N-body simulations to interpret the stellar kinematics of LMC-like discs
This collection of images shows different visualizations of the KRATOS suite. The main objective of these pure N-body simulations is to provide theoretical models that help us to interpret the formation of general structures in an LMC-like galaxy under various tidal interaction scenarios. For more information about the suite, we recomend reading the main reference (Jiménez-Arranz+24b).
The simulations are open access. Users interested in using the KRATOS suite of simulations can access them at:

Figure 1. Representation of LMC-SMC interaction for the K6 simulation. In this model the MW is modelled but not shown for sake of clarity. Only the baryonic content is shown.
Figure 2. Comparison between the LMC representation using astrometric and photometric information from the Gaia Data Release 3 (more information here) and the present time (t=0) of the K6 simulation of the KRATOS suite. Both data and simulation shown a single and broken arm with an off-centred bar.

Figure 3. LMC-like disc of the K6 simulation. Time evolution of the density (face-on and edge-on) and velocity (radial, residual tangential and vertical) maps. Can be compared with the kinematics maps obtained with Gaia DR3 data.
Figure 4. Stellar density map of the LMC-like disc as seen face-on at present time (𝑡 = 0). The KRATOS simulations contain a variety of morphologies, such as bars, different spiral arm shapes, and ring-like structures.
Figure 5. Radial velocity map of the LMC-like disc as seen face-on at present time (𝑡 = 0). Red (blue) color means outwards (inwards) motion. Black and white contour lines highlight the density overdensities. Can be compared with the kinematics maps obtained with Gaia DR3 data
Figure 6. As Fig. 5, but for the residual tangential velocity maps. Red (blue) color means faster (slower) rotation in comparison to the rotation curve.
Figure 7. As Fig. 5, but for the vertical velocity maps. Red (blue) color means positive (negative) off-plane/vertical velocity.
Figure 8. As Figure 4, but the LMC-like disc as seen edge-on. Some simulations display warped discs and flares.

Figure 9. Temporal evolution of Fig. 3 of Jiménez-Arranz+24b. Stellar density map of the LMC-like disc as seen face-on (left part) and edge-on (right part) at 𝑡 = 0. Each row corresponds to a different set of simulations and the labels are displayed in the rightmost panels. For both face-on and edge-on representations, we have the 𝐺_LMC, 𝐺_LMC + 𝐺_SMC, and 𝐺_LMC + 𝐺_SMC + 𝐺_MW models on the left, centre and right panels, respectively.

Figure 10. Temporal evolution of Fig. 4 of Jiménez-Arranz+24b. Same as Fig. 9, but for the radial (left part) and residual tangential (right part) velocity maps of the LMC-like disc at 𝑡 = 0

Figure 11. Temporal evolution of Fig. 5 of Jiménez-Arranz+24b. Same as Fig. 10, but for the vertical velocity maps of the LMC-like disc at 𝑡 = 0.